September 15, 2006

FDA deems all food unsafe

OK, not all food.

But this New York Times piece offers some dire warnings about what can happen to me if I continue to eat bagged spinach. Which I cooked up with some garlic and cilantro last night, thank you very much, and it was quite tasty.

It's just . . . come on. I'm already a vegetarian, which is supposed to eliminate the need to worry about heart disease, mad cow disease, and anything else you might get from a Jack in the Box burger. Including (I thought) E.coli. How very wrong I was.

At least there's a silver lining. It's this quote from the article:

Asked if consumers should also avoid bagged salads, Dr. Acheson answered somewhat tentatively, saying, “At this point, there is nothing to implicate bagged salad.”

Am the only one who thinks that's hilarious? I keep picturing bagged salad in a chair somewhere in an undisclosed location, bright spotlight in its eyes, stammering through the roughshod questioning and brutal interrogation tactics of U.S. government officials.

Huh. Maybe it's not that funny after all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear BizCasBac

Thats almost like A Star Wars name. "Jedi Master Bizcasbac, to the outer systems go you must!Much can be learned if you use the force!"
I am glad you are not in the business of terrorising bagged cabbage, spinach or any other leafy life form. Not being able to read the aforementioned Times article I got a good laugh out of picturing the cabbage or spinach or whatever it was being victimised by black-suited mental neanderthals.

But I see that my previous comment was not posted on your blog. Are you prejudiced against "Untitled" contributors are was it it simply too criptic? Maybe this comment will be more suitable.

The Untitled One