October 31, 2006


Between Sunday night and tonight:
  1. Realization that this month's epic DSL nightmare may not have anything to do with the DSL, but is probably the fault of my Mac and its stupid broken Ethernet port.
  2. New living room rug purchased after finally deciding to chuck old, stained, Craigslist rug turns out to be wrong for the room. So very wrong. Roll it right back up again.
  3. Weird bumpy rash decides to attack left shoulder.
  4. Insomnia at 4:15 a.m. after vivid dreams about giving birth in a fluffy white room filled with pastry. Totally Marie Antoinette's fault.
  5. Check Engine light goes on. Holiday gift budget recalculated to include car repairs.
  6. Cell phone screen actually dies after threatening to all week.
Tonight between 7 and 8 p.m.:
  1. Mac Genius assures me laptop will be whisked away to Tennessee and cured in the shortest possible time. For free.
  2. Incredibly bored IKEA staff truly excited to deal with the rug. They almost tussle over who gets to ring up the return. In and out in five minutes flat.
  3. Check Engine light goes off.
  4. Latest installment of West Wing from Netflix waiting in the mailbox.
  5. Antibiotics start to work.
  6. New phone dutifully copies entire address book from old phone like the little digital miracle it is.
One good hour can trump 48 wicked ones, hands down.

Happy Halloween.

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