September 11, 2007

Brother knows best

My brother has great taste, mostly—except for when he called me up a few years ago, almost crying with laughter, to tell me how many times he'd seen Old School. It was an embarrassing number of times. I'd already seen it, thought it was OK for a guy flick, and forgotten about it.

No, no, he said. Funniest movie ever made. Watch it again. Um, no. My list of more interesting ways to spend two hours is endless.

But tonight I succumbed to a post-nacho coma at Alyssa and Jasper's house, and they put on Old School. And you know? It's actually kind of hilarious.

I only made it through about 45 minutes before sleep seemed like a better plan, but I still think Avi deserves a shout-out for knowing—like big bros always do—the score.

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