December 18, 2007

Tiny slice of fame

It's no secret that I'm a little shutter-happy.

After making the unprecedented decision to merge that hobby with the wide wide world of the Interweb, I started with a photo blog that I'd use a lot more if I could upload batches, instead of one picture at a time (any Bloggerheads out there know a shortcut?).

Then I finally succumbed to the lure of Flickr, thanks to wheedling friends who kept telling me how easy it was. And it really is. Less space for rambling photo essays, but more motivation to post stuff when it takes a few minutes instead of hours.

Anyhoo, that's all by way of letting you know that a random guy in the UK who works for an online travel company found my Flickr pictures of China, and he asked to publish one. And it's up!

It's not an exciting photo (see here for my favorites from the China rolls), but it's still neat to see the copyright symbol next to my name on someone else's travel site.


missmobtown said...

huzzah! the same thing happened with one of my seattle pix. see, flickr IS GREAT!

The BCB said...

Huzzah encore! Yes, yes. You were right about Flickr.