February 15, 2008

Mary Anne

Mary Anne is blond and wears black, and her voice could move mountains.

Mary Anne has a job interview coming up in L.A., and the company where she's interviewing couldn't find her a limousine. All the limos were booked, and they only work with this one limo agency, so they'd like to rent her a car instead. But she'd prefer that they look up other limo agencies on the Internet, so she doesn't have to spend an extra hour (that's 30 minutes when she arrives, and 30 minutes on the way back) at the car-rental place. It's important to save that transit time, because Mark would like Mary Anne to maximize her short stay; she only has a couple of days. She'd appreciate it if the interviewing company could work that out.

Things are going great for Mary Anne. She already got one job offer she doesn't want, but that place in L.A. is flying her in for interviews. But they know she won't move to L.A., so either they're going to try to woo her or they might be thinking of opening an office in San Francisco. If they do, it could be because Mary Anne told them that a lot of big companies are opening offices here these days.

Mary Anne knows all the words to "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" and several other rock classics, and she loves her mom.

If the dozen other people in the café and I were to say something to Mary Anne, it might be: "Mary Anne, get an office." Or, barring that, perhaps a night class in vocal modulation?

But she's on an important conference call right now, so we won't disturb her. Mary Anne will get back to us later.


Lizzo said...

You are terrific. I was just cleaning out my hotmail account and remembered you had a blog. So glad I did. Now I know how to subscribe. You can read mine too: www.xanga.com/sniglet74
Then we can be cyberpals.
Miss you!

The BCB said...

Liz! [Applause] I love running into each other like this. Miss you also, lady. Cyberpals we be.

missmobtown said...

Someone should send Mary Anne a large, dry scone.