January 12, 2009

Warmed over

Sorry for the brief hiatus. We just finished shipping the February issue, thanks to several late nights and most of Saturday; and Amy was in town from BA, so we had some very important wandering and shopping and eating and dancing to do.

Tonight I have a little downtime at home and I finally got my surly scanner working again, so you can see what snowy Mt. Baker and my nephew the Stormtrooper look like. It's probably strange to post these photos after SF temperatures hit the 70s today, but that's just how I roll.

I owe a bunch of you good people email and phone calls. I promise to get on that as soon as I finish drinking tea and sleeping for about a hundred hours. Give or take.

In the meantime, please enjoy today's special bonus: My unexpected guest appearance over at the Sensible Rebel, penned and photographed by a longtime travel friend.

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