February 22, 2009

Buena suerte

I'm sure you all remember Morse as fondly as I do. But after an appropriate mourning period, I replaced him with a first-generation iPhone that a coworker's friend had lying around. And like any good soccer mom, I projected all my hopes and dreams into his name: Suerte.

It's been more than a month, and he's lived up to it so far. In celebration, here are some photos I snapped with his crappy built-in camera. It's probably a lot more information than you need about my life, but hey—you're already reading my blog, so you have time on your hands.

Inaugural photo: What happens when you take a dusty road trip and don't wash your car afterward. Then come the cats of the night.

This is my trusty Pentax (i.e., real camera). I think I took this shot to assuage my guilt at going digital for even a minute.

Least consumer-friendly company name ever, and it doesn't even have the excuse of being Japanese:

Cooly and I took a trip to the Vivarium in Berkeley. This cheeky fellow was flirting with us:

Big snake, little box:

Gecko bellies!

Sola Lucy, I found this cute Diane von Furstenberg dress for $56—an insane deal, but I couldn't bring myself to spend that much on any one thing at a thrift store. I'm working on the mental block.

Every year since she turned 16, I've made my childhood friend Stephi a birthday mix. Here's what it looked like this year (plus a bonus disc):

On inauguration night, I noticed these two signs while leaving 111 Minna. It's funnier if you know what the Power Exchange is. (Impressionable relatives, don't Google it.)

All sorts of exciting books land on my desk at work. One must-have volume featured useful things you can knit for your pets, like this classic hamster yurt:

On Superbowl Sunday,
certain people got smoochy. All you need to know about the chicken and dog hats is that I have awesome friends.

During the walk home from yoga one day, I got a big kick out of the window of
Dog Eared Books. Double score!

Wait, what's that on the left? I can't see it in your crappy photo.

Last weekend, Mr. Finney brought me to a schmoozy party at
Gershoni design. Their offices are under a supercool dome.

After a while, everyone whipped out their iPhones at once to decide where to go next. I almost passed out from the sheer urbanity of it all.

My righteous big brother sends flowers every Valentine's Day. He started when I was in college, and I don't plan to ever discourage the habit.

By the time my carpool got to Tahoe on V-Day night, the early arrivals had decorated the kitchen with balloons and candy. It inspired me to write this Sweethearts haiku. If you can read it, I'd like to trade eyes:

On the drive back from Tahoe, we stopped for pizza during a blizzard. These napkins made up for the fact that it took seven hours to get home.


Anonymous said...

I keep meaning to tell you that I thought about you on Inauguration Day. Thanks again for the ride to the fundraiser -- and great company!

I haven't made the iPhone plunge yet, but soon....

The BCB said...

No worries, glad it led to our man in the White House! I highly recommend iPhone for quality time-wasting. It's not quite at Facebook level, but almost.

Lizzo said...

That was all very satisfying. Particularly the hamster yurt. (gerbil yurt?)

I long to know what the haiku said.

The BCB said...

I also wish I'd chronicled the haiku...next time. But I'm pretty darn sure that's a hamster.