January 31, 2010

Under the wire

What a neglectful blogger I've become. I could say it's because of my day job plus Canteen plus freelance work, but I've been juggling that same combination for years without slacking on the blog front. Must be something in the new decade's water.

Or maybe it's because I've been on the road: hiking in Jack London State Park, playing craps with a gay softball team in Vegas. What? Yes. I'm terrible at craps, by the way. But the penny slots and I get along famously.

Last year was international, this year is domestic. Next up: Savta's 90th birthday in D.C., then a weeklong yoga and meditation retreat in Port Townsend, then a double header of weddings in Cincinatti and Chicago. Then a long nap.

Speaking of Canteen, Issue Five is here! It glows in the dark. We'll throw a party for it one of these days. And we're having a photography contest—you and your shutterbug friends should all enter.

I'm thinking of trying to run again. Everybody's favorite abdominal injury has been resting for more than eight months now, and it's feeling the urge to move. We'll see how much leeway I can give it.

Two great friends are leaving town next weekend to travel for a while. Malaysia, Thailand, and China, for starters. I'll miss them something fierce, and I'm jealous of the adventure. But sometimes it's a gift to stay put. Especially when it's raining, and somehow almost February.

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