April 05, 2007

Mad geekery

If you've ever talked to me for than a few minutes, you probably get that I'm a word person. Now I have a collection of shirts that tells total strangers the same thing. Here's the latest:

i'm a noun!

I'm in love with it. Would it be really gross if I wore it every day for a while? Maybe just as jammies?

Sorry for all the backward photos, by the way—my only digital camera lives in my MacBook screen, so perspective is limited. But hey, all the better for dressing up my desk chair in different outfits when I get home. Every girl needs a hobby.

Also I haven't evolved to the stage of narcissism where I post closeups of my chest all over the Internet. Sorry. Luckily, my chair has some convenient phantom breasts:

good grammar costs nothing!

This one gets extra credit for cleverness:

bad grammar makes me [sic]

Because nothing says humor like a little editorial Latin.

This next shirt started it all, and it's so good I had to get it twice:

reading is sexy

Also—let's be honest—I can't wear yellow. The chair looks cute in it, though. I look much less like I have jaundice in this version:

reading? still sexy.

Are there more? Perhaps. But I'd guess you're a little scared by now, maybe even deleting your bookmark to this blog or writing a long list of things I could do to fill my time better, like chopping up my credit card and never shopping online again.

That's cool, I'm OK with your constructive criticism. I'm a noun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I might be a conjunction ... what's my function??
Still bookmarked!