August 28, 2007


It seems to be time for a photo essay to spruce up this blog, so it doesn't get jealous of the BCS. Because, you know, blogs have feelings.

Conveniently, one of my favorite people got married the other day. Hats off to Shmosh! And his bride, the lovely Rose of Frances.

Yes, they're the cutest. But let's not forget that every good wedding weekend starts with Canteen:

Plus a handful of Joshes. My brother and I both have a Josh (actually a bunch, but two are clearly the most important). To keep them straight, we call them My Josh and Your Josh—or the Rebbe and the Doctor.

Either way, their moms are proud. Just look at those faces.

After picnics come weddings, like so.

the bride prepares

the bride declaims

the bride chats

signing the ketubah

mark observes

the wedding party

marriage? hilarious.

No celebration is complete without at least one fabulous grandma whose accessories could be used as a powerful weapon.

i wish you could see that the belt was red

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