March 16, 2009

Jiggity jig

Home again! I smell like airport. All I can handle right now is a shower before bed, but rest assured that photos and anecdotes from Savta's 89th are on tap for later this week.

I also wanted to share what it looks like when Dad and Ann's new kitten comes to visit my laptop, but Blogger won't let me post a screen capture for some reason. So let's just say that Google doesn't recognize "uuuuuuuuuuuuujghhhhhhhhhhhhh/9" as a search term.


Lizzo said...

Screen captures are png files. Change it to a jpeg and you should be good to go.

I, for one, am curious.

The BCB said...

I tried all kinds of formats for the capture, but Blogger's upload tool wouldn't recognize any of them. Boo.