November 01, 2005

Lila is here!

This morning in North Carolina, one of my favorite people in the world, Ms. Kate Holbein Rademacher, gave birth in championship time (less than 10 hours) to one of my new favorite people in the world, the wee Lila Holbein Rademacher.

Weighing in at 7 lbs. 9 oz., Lila is a beautiful genius. An auntie always knows.

I'm going to buy piles of cute little hats and shoes now. It's starting to get cold in Chapel Hill, Lila clearly needs them. I think she also needs a fuzzy bunny to drool on. Who doesn't, really?

Three cheers for Kate and David and Soren and Lila!


Anonymous said...

Hiya Kate:

I googled you the other day. Wait wait wait I'm getting ahead of myself: Congratulations to you Lila and the rest of your fam! Anyway I also heard you in an audio file speaking to dressing and power. Very good to hear you expounding on something you were excited about-really enjoyed your multidimensional speak-very thick description of life. I was telling all this to my girlfriend and she pointed out that I was internet spying-so alas I am saying hello in the open and not just holding you in my head...

Hold on I don't even know if you're part of this blog or if this is jsut the blog of your E friend. Hello E.

The BCB said...

Hi Garrick, I remember you from Wesleyan. I'll pass your nice message along to Kate, thanks. If you'd like to send your email address to, I can give her that also. Take care.