December 25, 2005

Stereotypes, shmereotypes

Yes, Virginia, good Jews really do go to the movies and eat Chinese food on Christmas. Especially when it happens to be the first night of Chanukah as well.

And somewhere in the Talmud—I think it comes after the section on ordering chow mein—we're also instructed to hightail it into the mountains to sit in some hot springs on Boxing Day.

Who am I to argue with thousands of years of tradition?


Anonymous said...

Some how I remember sleeping on the floor, playing ping pong with cousins and seeing Fiddler for the very first time with you! Hope you had happy holidays and hope we can get together sometime!

The BCB said...

Jill! Haven't seen you since back in the day, lady. Thanks for writing - I'd love to catch up and hear how you are. I'm out in California, but easy to find on email: