December 21, 2005

Warm fuzzies

Tomorrow morning, my department is going to the Alameda Food Bank's warehouse to help pack up food for distribution. I may work for a big semi-evil corporation, but it still fills me with softly lit holiday goodwill when they sponsor stuff like this.

Afterward, we're all going to lunch at the Fat Lady, a long-standing but kinda sketchy Oakland institution. Make of that what you will.

Then . . . no more offices until 2006! Well. Technically, there are two days next week we can either work or take off, and I think I may go in for one of them, since I'm trying to horde vacation time. But except for that, we're done until January 2. Done done done done done.

In honor of the one time each year when some American companies get civilised like their European counterparts and give us real time off, I plan to finally see the gay cowboy movie. I mean, the grand sweeping Western tale of Heath and Jake and their ridiculously handsome love.

Tried to go twice before, but it's been sold out each time—not a big shocker in San Francisco, but a little annoying all the same. So I bit the bullet and bought advance tickets online. But ticket fees have nothing to do with seasonal cheer, so let's not talk about them.

Things we can talk about instead: No work! Hot cowboys! Yes!

Happy holidays to you. I hope your vacation starts soon and ends a long time from now.

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