January 24, 2006

Whiter shade of pale

I've been home sick the last few days. Blah. I guess the first flu shot I've gotten in years did actually work, since I don't have the flu that's going around. Instead my body opted for general congestion, a headache, coughing, and grumpiness, tossed with a light fever and a balsamic vinaigrette.

Since I don't get sick much, it tends to have three effects:

1. Makes me realize how much energy I have when I'm not sick.
2. Reminds me there's only so much soup I can really be expected to handle.
2. Turns me into an even whiter person, if that's possible.

My English genes lean toward pasty over ruddy, so "rosy-cheeked" has never leapt to mind—but being forced to stay inside all day without much appetite takes pale to a whole new level. I look like a leaky Albino.

But The HMO Man prescribed some good drugs, so it should all be over soon. Then maybe I'll have enough energy to get riled up about the fact that I was at Kaiser Permanente for two hours and spent about six minutes with a doctor.

Naptime first. Then another lovely bowl of soup.


missmobtown said...

sorry you're sick! I recommend emergen-c.

The BCB said...

thanks! i tried emergen-c for the first couple of days...my usual technique of two packets every few hours to fend off the demons. but it didn't work this time. had to go for the hard-core prescription stuff.

Erin Jourdan said...

I'm sick too! I have a poltergeist in my nose, someone call the exorcist!

The BCB said...

If you think some vile mint cough syrup might kill your poltergeist, I have about 9/10 of a bottle left. It's all yours.