July 16, 2008

The other side

Yes, I made it. No, I don't think I'm any wiser yet . . . give it time.

My trip back east was action-packed, to put it mildly, and my liver is still recovering. It was amazing to see old friends and all kinds of family for three sunny days of talking, dancing, eating, hiking, cooking, and polishing off a vat of sangria. Everyone either generously traveled or hosted to make the weekend happen, and I can't say thanks enough times.

Photos of the birthday tribe are here on Flickr. The only party animals not pictured are the approximately 10 million bugs who bit me everywhere. But let's not speak of them.

Also posted: Some mementos of my weekend in Santa Monica last month. Viva Erinia!

left to right: too much pasta salad, too much potato salad,
the perfect amount of sangria

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