March 03, 2009

Shootwardly mobile

iPhones are the wave of the future and all, but let's get back to film. I posted a couple of new sets over on Flickr: an afternoon at the de Young Museum and a weekend in Tahoe.

We got into a discussion at work today about whether or not professional photographers ever call themselves "shooters." I voted no, but that's because when I hear the word, I think of 1) hitmen and 2) tequila.

Our art director said a pro and a shooter are opposites: When you have a studio setup and a livelihood, you're a photographer; when you have an idiotproof digital and a Flickr account, you're a shooter. But I think I fall into the giant range between the two. So I'm a . . . shootographer? Phooter? Help me out.

While you're thinking, here are some highlights:


missmobtown said...

Sadly, lots of pro photographers *do* call themselves shooters. Stupid parlance.

The BCB said...

I'm trying, but I still can't see the terms as synonymous. English, why do you torment me like this?