May 05, 2006

Scenes from an edible garden

Ladies and gentleman, I'm very happy to report the Semiotician has returned safely from her international adventure and is paying all her California fans a visit.

But since she's grown accustomed to the Euro lifestyle, we took a trip to Napa so she could pretend she was still over there. (I also had some tickets to Copia that were about to expire. Free stuff is a powerful motivator.)

Despite its potential for total cheesiness, it turns out Copia is a great place to spend the afternoon. They have some modest but interesting exhibits about wine history, a display of groovy eco-friendly art, and a creative restaurant. But my favorite part was exploring the
pretty and tasty Edible Gardens next to the main building.

I had color film in my camera for once, so here's a little tour:

garden sculpture

self-portrait with chard

wild cherries

a pomelo in hand . . .

garden sculpture encore

the ultimate almond

still life with pomelo, text, leafy green

canopy joints

the other kind of flower

chard parade

which country are we in again?

Then we wandered to the next town over for our promised "decadent but unstuffy" dinner. Props to Martini House for the private deck seating and the wild mushroom tasting menu—but that's not their logo above. I was trying to take a picture of the cool silver wheelie thing in the shop window, but there was just so much sunshine, it didn't work out.

Here's to unintentional portraits of ladies on the move—

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