August 04, 2008

Fourth (and probably final) half

Another season, another half-marathon. You'd think my body would be used to this occasional punishment by now, but it really wasn't happy during the second half of yesterday's SFM.

After three miles, I felt as exhausted as it usually takes seven or eight miles to feel, with none of the euphoria. My feet hurt, my breathing hurt, and my vision got blurry for the last mile or so. Around the 10-mile mark, I had to stop and walk for a while—that's never happened to me in a race before.

It was an incredible relief to finish, as always, but without the adrenalin rush that makes the whole experience worthwhile. I just felt sore and tired and nauseated, and I couldn't even eat. I took a shower and slept for almost three hours.

I felt a little better when I woke up, but it still seemed like a sign that it's time to switch to 12K races. I've never been a natural runner, it's always work—but this was very unpleasant work with little reward. It's been in the back of my mind that my body would tell me when the long runs got to be too much, and I think that happened yesterday.

This realization brings a potent combination of disappointment and relief. I still love the camaraderie of official races, the numbers and timing chips and water stops and free granola bars at the end. It's just that 13.1 miles is really far for a regular human body to run. My legs are staging a protest, and they're unionized.

I'm proud of myself for having trained to the point where I can run a half-marathon at all. My objective was never to beat a certain time or hit a loftier goal—I don't secretly want to run a full marathon or triathlon or become one of those people who dress entirely in wicking. The half was my goal, and I got there. But in the end, if something makes me feel physically terrible, then it's no longer healthy.

And no, this isn't all because I'm in my 30s now. Shut up. Unless you mean that it's the wisdom of age talking, in which case . . . you might be right.

Bib: 23041
Gender: F

Age: 30
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Place Overall: 1195 out of 1984
Women: 579 out of 1145
F 30-39: 207 out of 395
FINISH: 2:15:21
Pace: 10:20
1.7 miles: 15:59 Pace: 9:25


missmobtown said...

Congrats! So proud of you. But yeah. Let's just go for a nice long walk in Golden Gate Park. I'll bring granola bars.

The BCB said...

Aw, thanks. Sounds like a delightfully pain-free plan. I'll bring the tea.

The Sensible Rebel said...

Pain or not, I have super respect that you finished! Awesome anyway you look at it. I still hope to get there one day. I've been told by seasoned runners that you will ocassionally have a "bad" run. Maybe this was your one for the season?

The BCB said...

Thanks! You're right that it could just have been a bad day. But I've been running regularly since 2000, and I've never felt like that before. It was gnarly enough that I'm not planning on another half anytime soon. There's a 12K in November, maybe I'll sign up for that.